I have always sought answers and meaning and I am driven by the desire to make sense of things—to delve in and find the real truth. I have always believed that, if I could just research and “see” beyond the veil of the visible, I’d find the meaning I am seeking, reaching beyond conformity.
My artwork accommodates that need in me to discover. The process provides me a way to sort through chaos and decide what resonates. It empowers me as much as it is meditative and comforting. It enables me to make an image that perhaps you can reflect in as well.
Layers, colors, marks and sometimes hidden symbols are alive in the images. With my exploration, mistakes get made, courses change, and I have to be aware as the story unfolds to catch the clues and nuances of what reveals itself. It’s a peaceful practice of distillation and choosing what is essential, potent and meaningful, and letting go of the rest. My work goes between abstract and representational.
Nature and attraction are huge inspirations from which I draw. They hold surprises, history and mystery and reflect our humanity in vignettes everywhere. Forms emerge through my abstract world, providing reference points and context for me personally, and allows the viewer to create their own, I think. For me, my paintings are metaphors for our collective experience.